Him and I - Halsey

  I love this song because it represents a love that despite all the difficulties it has for being a unique love continues to fight not to abandon each other, because they complement each other perfectly and you understand that in the end they will always be him and you, since his love is strange and misunderstood by others as well as strong, that even if they don't speak, they will always choose each other and he will always and forever be your safe place. .people say that we always come back to the place where we were happy and felt at home but of course everything can't be perfect, they had to interrupt the perfect way we loved each other, there were people who stood between me and that love Dare to say that perhaps it wasn't us but the others who couldn't stand that two people loved each other with such passion and sincerity; because we were one For each other we complemented each other in such an inexplicable way for the rest, and our connection was so difficult to hide that everyone around us noticed it but maybe it wasn't our time, it wasn't the time and maybe it wasn't ours life.

( Amo esta canción porque representa un amor que a pesar de todas las dificultades que tiene por ser un amor único sigue luchando por no abandonarse, porque se complementan a la perfección y entiendes que al final siempre lo serán. se el y tu, ya que su amor es extraño e incomprendido por los demas ademas de fuerte, que aunque no hablen, siempre se elegiran el uno al otro y el siempre y para siempre sera tu lugar seguro. .la gente dice que siempre volvemos al lugar donde éramos felices y nos sentíamos como en casa pero claro que no todo puede ser perfecto, tuvieron que interrumpir la manera perfecta en que nos amábamos, hubo personas que se interpusieron entre yo y eso amor Atrévete a decir que tal vez no fuimos nosotros sino los demás los que no soportamos que dos personas se quisieran con tanta pasión y sinceridad; porque éramos uno El uno para el otro nos complementábamos de una manera tan inexplicable para los demás, y nuestra conexión era tan difícil de ocultar que todos a nuestro alrededor lo notaban pero tal vez no era nuestro momento, no era el momento y tal vez no fue nuestra vida. )



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