Photograph -Ed Sheeran

 This song is about all the beautiful memories you had with a person who is no longer by your side but every time you remember those moments a smile comes to your face without you realizing it, the memories with that person you After everything they went through together, he did not have the courage to continue by your side or something simply did not leave them since there are people in the world who cannot see others being happy and want to take away that happiness to be good with themselve.

( Está canción trata sobre todos los lindos recuerdos que tuviste con una persona que ya no está a tu lado pero que cada vez que recuerdas esos momentos se te viene una sonrisa a la cara sin que te des cuenta, los recuerdos con esa persona que después de todo lo que pasaron juntos no tuvo la valentía de seguir a tu lado o simplemente algo no los dejo ya que hay personas en el mundo que no pueden ver a otras siendo felices y quieren quitar esa felicidad para estar bien consigo mismo. )


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