See you again - charlie Puth

this song has a huge impact on me because losing someone you love so much hurts, and I know it's not just a break up of a romance you had and it didn't work out and it hurts you. It is knowing that you will never be able to see the person you love again and that person who taught you to love, who never let you down and if you knocked down that person who did everything why would you get up if he never let you down. Because it was such a sincere and clean love that I did everything to see you smile and that is what love means. It is about seeing that person happy and without fear, that security that only you can give her, that person that you love so much and that despite not being with you; You would do everything to see her well to the point of sacrificing your happiness and joy to see her well.

(  esta canción tiene un gran impacto en mí porque perder a alguien que amas duele mucho, y sé que no es solo la ruptura de un romance que tuviste y no funcionó y te duele. Es saber que nunca podrás volver a ver a la persona que amas y a esa persona que te enseñó a amar, que nunca te defraudó y si derribaste a esa persona que hizo de todo por qué te levantarías si nunca te dejó abajo. Porque fue un amor tan sincero y limpio que hice todo por verte sonreír y eso es amor. Se trata de ver a esa persona feliz y sin miedo, esa seguridad que solo tu le puedes dar, esa persona que tanto amas y que a pesar de no estar contigo; Harías todo por verla bien hasta el punto de sacrificar tu felicidad y alegría por verla bien. )


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